Current Partnership

Current Partnership


Current Partnership

We serve as a platform for government agencies and international organizations looking to support rural women and their empowerment and other rural development programs. We partner with a number of organizations including government agencies, international organizations, national and private sector organizations to help implement projects that further women’s social and economic empowerment. Our staff have two decades of experience with rural and community development programs of international NGOs, FAO and the World Bank. Our support to partner’s projects has included mobilizing communities and rural women, organizing training, surveys and developing business groups including Women Development and Enterprise Groups (WDEGs) and Producer Groups. We are open to partnerships with any organization interested in rural development and women’s economic empowerment.

Our current partnerships are with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) through two projects, (EU funded "Development of sustainable and inclusive local agri-food systemsin north-west region of Azerbaijan", "Women Empowerment Project") and USAID under the Private Sector Activity (PSA). Our past assignments were with GIZ and the World Bank. In addition we had a partnership with Marriott Hotels for skill development of rural women entrepreneurs in the food and hospitality sector.